Our Vision
Portledge School is an independent, pre-nursery through twelfth grade preparatory day school. The school’s coordinated sequential programs, beginning with the Reggio Emilia program in Early Childhood, provide a rigorous academic environment, preparing students to live responsible and productive lives. Dedicated teachers use small class size to deliver knowledge based on inquiry and inspired by a student-centered learning approach. Individual talents are nurtured through the arts, athletics, and a variety of community and travel programs that all emphasize the Portledge Pillars of kindness, purpose, honor, and respect.
The Portledge Pillars
As Portledge citizens, the four pillars of Kindness, Honor, Purpose, and Respect guide daily life. These pillars support our mission statement which references explicitly moral courage, inclusion, and realizing one's potential. They are the core of character development here and guide the programs in place outside the classroom. These fundamental values are designed to help students reflect on their inner self, better relate to others, and how they understand and interact with the larger world.