Molly Davis Bio

Molly Davis (she/her/hers) is a school leader with 16 years of experience in the classroom in public and independent schools. Most recently, she was a member of the senior level administration at the Brooklyn Heights Montessori School (BHMS) where she developed strategic planning expertise with a special focus on auxiliary programming and external revenue resource creation and management. She has led after-school and summer programming served as a visual and performing arts department head and built a physical education and sports program as Athletic Director.  She participated in the White Anti-Racist Educators network at BHMS and in the wider New York City community. She is also a certified Positive Discipline Trainer and has taught classes in this method as part of parent education programming. Molly is currently the Recreation Director for the Village of Saltaire, NY. 
Molly has been engaged in diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) work throughout her career, both on an individual level to build her own skills and knowledge for interrupting racism and other systems of oppression, and on a leadership level in order to best serve the faculty, staff, and families in her care as an educational administrator. She has been a key player in coordinating school-wide DEI goals and action steps, incorporating anti-bias hiring practices, expanding curricular offerings and enrollment access, and broadening ongoing school-wide conversations about equity and inclusion. 

Above all, Molly is committed to growth and development in schools toward equity and anti-racism.